
What is Synergy?

This is a fun team building game from BlueSky Experiences, now available on our virtual platform. The game starts with 41 information cards. Each team member is dealt a small number of these cards at random.

The team must then take the information from their cards, communicate and problem solve with their team members to work out the answers! All the information the team needs is right in front of them, but will they work together to find the solution before time is up?

Virtual Event

  • Open Communication

    Analytical Problem Solving





  • Our Online Learning platforms allows teams to participate in this development event, even if they work remotely. Team members can learn, share experiences and reflect on their team dynamics.

    The way Synergy is run creates a scenario which mirrors certain business practices. Each team member has been given only some of the information required to come up with the correct solution. The team will have to communicate effectively and work together to find the correct solution before time is up.

    Our expert facilitators will be there to guide teams, but to also assess how they work together.

    Did they quickly identify key information?

    Was everyone given a fair chance to speak?

    Did they refer back to certain information to find the solution?

    Were all team members encouraged to share their thoughts?

    All of these questions help our teams to communicate, look within and develop solutions to their challenges. Using the online learning log, individuals and teams can track their learning and important points of discussion. This can be referred back to time and time again, and continue to be used to develop an actionable team plan in the workplace.


The Mission

